About Us

Duuuuuuuuuuuuudes. This site is for lovers of Artemis Fowl. Oh, and you aren't required to hate Minerva Paradizo, but it is a preference. xD


Does the purple NOT rock? :D

History of project

Meh, I think I'll write in blue for this section. Or is this turquoise? Oh well. Either way, let's move on.

Hi, I'm Ohan, and most of you know me. Those who don't...now you do! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Arty. Just ADORE him. I am a user of Artemis Fowl FanGathering, and any of you newbies, I would appreciate it if you looked at FanGathering one of these days, maybe joined. But it's not required. And...

Those of you not familiar with Artemis, let me fill you in on the basics. Arty's a criminal mastermind, a genius, and he's only fourteen. Even so, he has kidnapped a fairy, made out with that same fairy, travelled in time (twice!) and made deals with more than one shady character. It's a 7 book series: try it sometime!

Our users

I think a nice crimson will be good for this...crimson for Minerva's blood---did I say that out loud? *blush* Oh well. Let's continue.

Most of us are members of FanGathering and FanFiction. We write fanfics about Artemis Fowl and his cohorts. Fanfics, for those of you who don't know, are fiction stories written by the fans.